Easy Graph

Why this app

I built this app because I needed to track my electricity counter (I have some problems with my electricity bill ;( )

And maybe I didn't look well, but I couldn't find a simple app with basic and fast value input.

Here you create a graph name, add pairs date/value, and watch the graphs.

How to use it 

The first screen shows the list of graphs (in fact, they are lists of data/value pairs) :


Use menu to add a new data list. Don't forget contextual menu with a "long touch" on an item for rename and delete options :

Touch an item to go on its data list :

Here too, there is a contextual menu available. Obviously, use the big button "new" to add values. It will make appear that screen :

You can put any comment for each value, it will appear on the data list.

Use the menu on data list screen for interesting options :

The graph option will show a simple line charts of the values :

The second menu option will show an other line chart showing the growth of the values in units per minute :

And the option "export to file" will generate a text file containing all the data/value pairs, so you can eventually import it in your favorite spreadsheet software.

The charts are zoomable.

Thanks to achartengine library for drawing charts.

To do list

- add some way to clean data
- forbid to insert two values having the same date
- add possibility to copy a data list
- add possibility to show several graphs together
- add more charts 
- add possibility to share graphs